Import FBX

Hi !

(First, sorry for my bad english, it isn’t my mother tongue)
I’m searching for a week how to import model from an other program to Blender. I founded the best version of the first program and founded that the best format for me is .FBX because I need the skeleton and the animation. BUT …
When I import the .FBX file into Blender, the program add just one of two bones and give me a error message. Here is the message :

If anyone can understand this mesage and give me a solution, I worships him !!!


Use the latest version of blender (2.77)
What version is the .fbx file ? Does it meet the requirements given in the importer notes
Link to .fbx file ?


I have already the 2.77 version.
I don’t know the versionof the FBX file but I think it’s correct.
Now, the error is not the import but after the import, when I play animation. The start is correct but after one or two seconds, the animation bug.

Here is one of the files :[50]_Stand_1702.fbx