Import ICARUS Data into blender?


I tried to track a scene with icarus…and, well it worked, i think.
but then I wanted to use the new information on camera-movement in blender and just realised, there is no feature for exporting into .blend-format :frowning:

Is there a pythonscript or a program to convert the exported file by icarus into blender-format?

I tried IOSuite.blend and the .scn-file created by icarus but it didn’t work in this case. I think IOSuite doesn’t import camera-settings…

Anyway, What I need is an importer or converter that creates .blend-files, using .ms, .aek, .cws, .action, .isq, .lws, .mel, .clip, .xsi, .scn or the human-readable-file-format by ICARUS

Thanks in advance for every response!!!
