Import images as planes -> flickering from a distance?

First of all i’d like to comment that i m relatively new to blender but know the basics.

My scenario: I import an image (as plane). Use a cube as an object. I use shrinkwrap modifier to stick the plane image to the cube. I use default values with an offset of 0.001 - 0.002

Everything is ok, but, when i go away from the object (zoom out scene), and also move it left right, i see some flickerings in my image.

Do i miss an option here?

Pic here

Why are you shrinkwrapping a plane image to a cube? You could just set the image as a texture on the cube, and you’ll get exactly the same results without the glitches of shrinkwrapping

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As Joseph mentioned, its a bit confusing what you want to achieve here. Its definitely not the right way to texture the cube. But in case its just about the alignment of the textured plane…
The problem you have here is z fighting, based on the limited floating point precision and the mathematical operations this happens earlier or later. The fragments of the cube or the plane are sort of randomly determined to be nearer to the screen than the other objects one and that on a per pixel level. You can go to the planes object properties and set the viewport display to force the draworder of the plane to be “in front” or set an offset in the shrinkwrap modifier, what is a less drastic step.

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Thanks both for your answers. Well, to understand what i want to do replace cube with a house model and plane with a sign. I want to attach the sign into the house.

I know that i can place it manually but i though shrinkwrap was the way to go. But my problem is that the plane looks strange (with artifacts and flickerings) from a distance. I can make these flickerings vary if i change (a) the offset of the shrinkwrap or (b) the clip start/end of the view panel

@Debuk you mean this?

I get same results about flickering

Yeah thats what I meant. But its drawing the object ontop of the WHOLE rest of the scene. I wasnt sure what you want to achieve and I dont think its what you want. If you want to use the shrinkwrap for the placement then increasing the offset is the better choice. You can also apply the shrinkwrap and tweak it afterwards until you’re satisfied. In short, the important thing is that the wall and the sign are not coplanar, in that case the error occurs, so give the sign some thickness.

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It may be corrected by adjusting the Camera’s “Clip Start” / “End” value.
Increasing the “Clip Start” value may solve the problem. Otherwise increase the shrinkwrap offset value until no flickering occur.

The simplest way to do it it to add some thickness to the sign (with solidify modifier) and place it with snapping mode on and set it to face:

With shrinkwrap and without thickness you may have clipping issues.

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Thank you all

@Andreal the solidify option gives me this result:

(in the specific image i did increase the thickness a lot just for viewing purposes, but i do get this hollow effect in thickness. Can i get rid of this?

You have imported image with transparency, it is not round as sign itself, but rectangular, if you apply solidify on that object, the rim will be transparent because texture on the sign rim is transparent too

So solidify is not good option here. It will be easier to create thin cylinder and put texture of sign on top of it.

Thanks:) The best move is to create a solid substratum for the plane. Then join this surface with the plane, and then move it as close to the item. Maybe not the best way but seems to be a solution

My last question: if a measure an object (with measure tool) from a - let’s say - A distance and from a closer distance (eg B), A and B are not the same. Do i miss smth here?

You should turn on snapping while using measuring tool.

When you will try to measure something without snapping to vertex, edge or something else, anchor for the tool can measure lenght between two floating points not connected to mesh in places you want.

That did the trick thanks! :slight_smile:

One more last thing: i want to use an (L) shape fence (they are many fances joined as 1 obj) which has square edges. The model has specific scale and xyz position. Is there any quick process to modify it to round edges? This should be done to all the fences.

Model is here if anyone wants to test it:
L_wire_mesh_body.rar (183.3 KB)

And here an image showing how it is now and how i want it to be:

You should model one section of fence and the use array and curve modifiers. Your model is good, but quite hard to make quick modifications. Use this:

And if you want to attach file with a model use .blend files :slight_smile:

Thanks again, but as i am completely noob to blender (only some days learning through yt) this video is hard to follow. I will remain to my fence (for now). This problem leads me to smth else though:

Lets say i have an OBJ A. How can i replace it with a B one? For example look photo below:

How can i quickly replace OBJ A with both OBJ B, C and D? Is there any way to do that (than manually place them into my project)?