i just updated my system
also updating python to Python 2.4.2 (#2, Sep 30 2005, 21:19:01)
i get the follow error when i try to run a python script from within blender:
jmcs3@interlichtspielhaus:~$ b
Using Python version 2.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “sculpt_023.py”, line 5, in ?
File “/usr/lib/python2.4/random.py”, line 68, in ?
import _random
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/_random.so: undefined symbol: _PyArg _NoKeywords
is the current blender 2.41 incompatible with python 2.4.2 ?
Does your python 2.4.2 import random ok just from a shell prompt?
You might check your python path for a old copy of whrandom.py or random.py, I have seen those old copies cause import errors since random is now included in the base level python packages.
, using “import random” in the shell causes no problem
and there seems to be only one of each present on my system
jmcs3@interlichtspielhaus:~$ locate random.py
That error seems like it has to be a mismatch between the script random.py and the c library. Do a real find for random.py instead of locate, see if any of the hits show up in your python path as root do:
Since blender 2.42a there have been problems with blender, python and linux. The only solution I have found to date is to compile and install python and blender from source. There are several issues on the bug tracker about this that look like it could be fixed in a 2.4x release.
Doing the compile from source is not that difficult, once setup then you can always grab the latest features, kind of makes it worth the extra effort.