I installed blender 2.30 on win xp and i get the error ‘import site’ failed use -v for trace back
sys-init:warning -no sitedirs added from site module
i read the database and i found(question 2.10-2.11)that it was blender2.10/2.11 which give this error due to uninstalled python.i installed python 2.3.2 but i have always the same error.what the problem?thanks
The PythonPath variable is probably not initialized correctly.
PS: And you should be using Python 2.2.3
thanks for the answer .iam a newbie to blender.I don’t know how to configure the python path(i use python 2.3.2)
Check out this thread:
and try to see for specific instructions on how to set your PYTHONPATH environment variable, for your operating system…