Import the movement of a .wav file to a animation - Engine



Thanks… I think I had a bad version of Blender. I was able to get it to work without a separate object. So now I can make a leg move up and down to the beat of music.



Hi vlassius,
looks working fine on SVN 33549 !

a gold mine here ! but one request, please: can you put all your comment and todo,etc… in english ?
it will give a way to contribute :wink:

Hi, Thanks
The script will be into official distribution, so i will make the docs and finish minor things.
Please, just give me some time
Feel free to ask any question


The addon looks very useful!
Thanks for it :smiley:

I am just waiting for acess to it



Hi all

New version available. HERE

Minor changes made in the script but now, a simple animation to show some things that the script can do.

youtube (v3)

This animation was made using MakeHuman and Blender

To make this animation:
1 hour to create a humanoid in MakeHuman
3,5 hours to make all movement in this animation, i mean:

  • Left and right arms
  • Neck
    • Upper and down lips
    • Right and left eyebrow
  • Live Plant
  • Crazy Star
  • 2 hours to make and “cache” the hair

This animation have 6 minutes and was made in only 6 hours, plus the render time
The script was used 9 times with different setups to get each type of movement, thousands of keys movements inserted
Note that as i am using the same audio file to create all movements, the movement seems to be very coordinated and smooth during the animation
The eyes do not open/close because the script do not do it
No adjust was made, that is exact what the script done

youtube (v2)
youtube (v1)

Thank you


New Animation - Crazy Finger

A good example to show the precision and other objects to use the script
More than 10000 key frames (movements) generated in 2 hours
10 fingers, 2 hands, 1 keyboard and 2 keys
The animation has just 42 seconds

Crazy Finger


Hello vlassus,

I’d love to give this a try but it doesn’t work in r34904 (at least i don’t see the panel “sound to animation”).
Any upgrade soon ?

Thanks for the good job,

Hi, i’ve just tested in r35039 and worked fine using the last version HERE.
Please, after install the script, choose a object (like de default cube), click in Object tab and take a look at the end: “import movement from de Wav file”. If you still do not see this item, please, tell me the operational system that you are using.


OK, I’ve made an another try with r35040 but without any success unfortunately.
So that may come from the fact that i use Blender on Mac OS X (10.6) (build with scons) ? If not, any idea ?


Works Ok for me in r35034 build with scons on windows.

The panel is in the properties window , object properties panel labelled “Import Movement from WAV File”


This code is a nice addition … filters out anything by wav files when you open the file browser

from io_utils import ImportHelper


class OBJECT_OT_Botao_Go(bpy.types.Operator,ImportHelper):
    bl_idname = "import.sound_animation_botao_go"
    # change in API
    bl_description = "Process a .wav file, take movement from the sound and import to the scene as Key"
    bl_label = "Process Wav"
    filter_glob = StringProperty(default="*.wav", options={'HIDDEN'})

Unfortunately i just have Linux and Windows to test.
Can you please try to install the script using the “Install Add on” button and tell me if any error rises? (user preferences-> add on tab)
After this, if no error, please see if you have a script with name “Import-Export: Import: Sound to Animation Data” (user preferences-> add on tab)
If the script is showing there, select the default cube, click in “object” tab and look at the end

In Linux, i build Blender with scons too

@batFINGER Thanks, that is a good idea

Hi vlassus.

I try to install it in the user preferences. The add-on show up on the list as “Import-Export: Import: Sound to Animation Data” and I can check/uncheck it.
But when i add a cube and select it, I can’t see the panel “Import Movement from WAV File” in the properties of the object (little orange cube button).

I try to add two keyframes also to make sure this wasn’t prerequisites but without any success.

Any Idea?

PS : I was thinking wouldn’t this be even better if this was a modifier in the f-curves modifier list (like noise, generator, enveloppe, …) ?

I’m so eager to test it & i have some ideas coming from my last project :

If i have time, I’ll try to figure out some clues to help.

Well, the script is installed but seems that the menu is not loading.
Please, run Blender from a Terminal window and try to uncheck and check again, look at the terminal window and see if there is any message from the script.

If no messages in terminal, maybe you should try:
Take a look again. The panel of “Import Movement from WAV File” is generally collapsed so, its just a line of text at the end of “object” panel. Click it to expand (to show the panel).
Clean, update and rebuild your Blender version
Try the version of the script before the one that you are using (it is not expected to work in a normal situation)

In the past, i’ve got different behaviour in Blender to Windows and Blender to Linux. Maybe there is some difference again in Blender to MAC.

Cool animation, i have no idea how you did it :slight_smile: I hope the script helps you in any way.

Thanks for your patience

OK, i re-try with A fresh install and i run Blender in a terminal.

I got an error in the consol when a try to install the add-on from the user preferences : “addon_utils.disable import_sound_to_anim not loaded” but i can see it after in the user preferences panel (see screenshots)

Unfortunately, i still got nothing in the object properties panels.


Very good idea to put the image. Please, use the last version of the script HERE
This change in Blender is the reason of the last update of the script


hummm still not working with the last version. I obtained exactly the same problem.
I try to run the script in the text editor also but nothing happened.

I was thinking should I pass something in particular at False or True (like ffmpeg ?) in my user-config when compiling with scons ?

EDIT : eratum !!! it’s working !!! well now i can see the panel. I probably mix the files :smiley:
Thank’s a lot for the help. I’m gonna have a look more in deep now.