IMPORTANT! Server downtime in 4 hours


This is pretty last-minute, but I just want to inform you that we’ll be experiencing serious downtime in a few hours. We’re switching internet providers and our server has to be physically moved to a new hosting facillity. If everything goes well, this will take a few hours. If everything goes wrong…well… goodbye cruel world :slight_smile:

See you on the flipside!


lol wow, i didnt read this, like WTF server down…

Glad you didn’t drop it. :smiley:

I thought my internet got disconnected like it does once in a while. It is very annoying when I am in the middle of something.

So that’s why it was down, at least it was planned;)

kool…i thought they banned me for being to ghetto.

glad nobody fell off their bicycle! was it hard balancing the PC and navigating those cobblestone streets?