imported OBJ with vertex based UAV's > baking?

Hi all :smiley:

btw very nice community! like the people & the enthusiasm which rules here :smiley:

…this time i am stuck.

here it goes:

I am using 3ds max & Zbrush for projecting the UAV’s on the objects.
So every modell i use in blender was imported as OBJ file with UAV’s allready on the mesh.

1st Question:
Do i need to unwrapp my imported OBJ(ects) in blender again, if they allready have the UAV’s from Zbrush, or 3dsMax?

2nd Question:
I have a special Mesh which uses a UAV’s projection by VERTEX (the 3ds Max UAV mapper has except the usual planar-, cylindrical-projections etc., also a “by vertex” projection. Don’t know how it is in other 3D Tools.) And i want to bake shadows and/or ambient occlussions on that object.
But how should blender unwrap a vertex projected object, if there is no typical projection, which can be flattend somehow, cause it is just a value entry which tells the object “project texture on each face”? which is not really a projection by a form like a cylinder or a sphere, nor a plane! And i can’t unwrap a whole racing track, with thousands of polys, rotations and curves in it. try to imagine a “wipe-out” track, and all the faces along each side have UAVs set to “by vertrex” o.O which tooked me no time to set the UAVs. Plus the fact, i can’t get warm with the blender unwrapper. :confused:

sorry for my bad english i really hope someone can help me on this.

greetings from austria :smiley: