Importing 3ds data *again*

Hi blenderers,

Reading a bunch of posts on the topic “3ds” it appears
that the importer still has some minor probs. So do I:

I have a very nice object library on CD which provides
models in 3ds file format. Luckily there is a 3ds import
filter in blender 2.41 (as well as in previous versions).

According to the numerous posts on 3ds file format, I
changed the python script in order to import the data
without errors (read the complains in the 3ds postings).

However, after importing a 3ds file I still get an empty
scene which only shows one pivot point although the
Oops-schematic view lists all objects correctly.
How can I make them showing up in my scene? Did
I miss some button or something?

Best regards,
