I’ve done an animation (character animation) with another software and I would like to import that model (mesh + anim) into Blender for recording a movie with camera movements …
From the other software I’ve exported an X file (including the animation).
Blender doesn’t seem to load the animation … only the mesh.
I would like to know :
Is it possible to import a mesh + skeleton from another software into Blender.
If yes what format should I use ?
Asking again :
what file format is suitable to be imported into blender in order to play its animation and record a movie … if any ?
Collada, Direct X, Md2 and Wavefront .obj should all import animation. Some of them are tricky and all will depend more on how and where the file was written than the script itself. Sometimes you can open the file and strip off garbage in headers and other useless data that some apps write that may prevent the script from reading it.
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve tried importing X (directx8) / MD2 / OBJ files with no luck … (I’m not so sure about the OBJ file supporting animation).
For each import, the outliner window only gives me : world / camera / lamp / mesh … no skeleton (armature).
There’s also nothing displayed in the IPO curve editor window …
The MD2 import seems to be the best but it only gives me the first frame of the animation (the model is posed at the first frame), and nothing else.
Now I’m completely new to Blender so it’s maybe me.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you verified that the animation is in the files by loading them into another program?
Yes the X file loads fine in Ultimate Unwrap 3D and Fragmotion.
Also I have the possibility to save my animations to BVH (and I could try to import them like that) but, even with the bvh2arm script in my scripts directory, I don’t have the choice to import this file format. at the Blender menu (File / Import / <no BVH choice>). I’ve updated the scripts menu just in case with no luck. Why does that happen ? Because the script is not up-to-date with Blender version ?
I’m on Blender 2.42a, Python 2.4 …
I have heard of users having success with the bvh script. To run scripts you have newly downloaded, open them in the text editor window, not the scripts window, file run python script (or alt+P). Hwever if you want to learn Blender, you will have better luck with animation if you learn to rig and animate within Blender.
The problem is that I can’t import the BVH file before running the script.
BVH choice is not in my import menu.
Sure, I just hope that exporting properly animations (with an armature) is not as difficult as importing them :spin:
But I should say that I’m very impressed so far by Blender, free software with a very pro touch
I am probably not the right one to advise about various import/export as I only use Blender! (keeps compatability problems down) Good luck.