Excuse if this is too obvious…
I have been trying quite to import OBJ models that had their hard edges done in other applications. But no luck till now…It always imports as all hard faces mode. And if click the smooth normals button…it all gets smooth, but does not take in account the hard edges it actually had… tried with OBJ, LWO, X and most formats I can export from other tools, and import into Blender, that I know support vertex normals… (or smooth groups)
I positively know Maya, Wings and XSI do export correct obj files with their vertex normals, their hard edges I mean, ready to go…
Is not a show stopper, as I can rebuild hard edges in Blender, but for complex game models, and production speed… Besides I loose that amount of time twice, as while I model I have to set hard edges anyway, to calculate how it’ll be seen ingame, and to optimize the polygons the best way possible…
Is there any format accomplishing this in some way? or some user made plugin (but I fear that as the plugin could get unsupported… well, would solve all anyway : I can allways keep an old blender besides latest, just for that, after all is only for the importing mesh step without bones nor animation …)