importing rigged blender meshes

hi, i have the following problem :

i made a blend file where my rigged character is in, and then i made the “scene” where the character should be in, but i cant import or append the whole armature and the mesh at one time … am i too dumb, or isn`t that possible ?

i know there is a function to append or link objects and meshes, but i want to import the whole rigged character at once, then i could make a file where i put all my rigged characters in and import it to different blend files/scenes.

i tried it through the outliner, but there is no function for that as i see it …

maybe someone can help me … or i have to import every mesh and avery bone by hand, which means i will build up the whole character …

also, maybe, there is an output format in the exporter that exports the armature AND the meshes, which i dont know

sorry, if its allready in a topic, but i didnt find anything related through the search function …

with regular appending, you can select everything by dragging the rmb over it. the items to be appended/linked will be highlighted in blue.
But I’d just make your rig a group, and append the group instead.

Group your character mesh / armature / other controls etc, then when you append, navigate the “append dialog tree” to the ‘Group’ section and you can then just select the group. The append dialog has two modes “append” or "link " (buttons on bottom of dialog). The “append” option is the simpler option,ile the ‘link’ option is more powerful but more complex to use.

Do a search for ‘append’ for many many more posts :slight_smile:


thanks … i’ll try that

1st open the rigged character one Blend file. Note down the name of the Armature and Name of the Mesh for example Armature = arm1 and Mesh is mesh1
Close this file.
Open the Scene one file
Selected that rigged file.
Opt for Object
Select arm1 and mesh1 both together and append

welcome, and hope this helped, and from now on, please use our support section for questions like this. thanks.
