Importing textures and materials...

Perhaps I should change my screen name to Dumb1 or something. How do I import a material or texture to Blender? Like, if I make something in Photoshop, what do I save it as? So far I have tried PS pic, JPEG, and PNG, but to no avail. In the folder I have where I have downloaded a bunch of textures, all I have to do is append, but most of those were made in PS, the same version I have. Nothing seems to be different except that my homemade tex don’t load. They are “not a library”. Did I miss something really simple? PLEASE HELP %| . I’ve asked a lot of dumb questions, but I think this takes the cake. :smiley:

Hello dumb1, creat new material, then new texture, click on the image tab, Load the image, switch back to material and make sure the Color tab is selected, where the preview is :wink:

My fault, I thought I had to append it as a texture. :expressionless: Thanks a million. Now I can control the world! :smiley:

Be careful : I believe that Microsoft copyrighted it first.


No problem :smiley:

appending involves using a previously created texture or material and copying it to your current blend file. It saves you from having to adjust all the settings again.