i know that there are licensing issues with the blender engine itself (but i read somewhere they will be solved in a future game engine release), but as long as blender uses fmod, you cannot sell games made with blender unless you pay (around 1k$ per title/os). at least i think so, i’d be glad when i’m wrong . till now i saw blender as a good possibility to enter the game market on a low-level (meaning the budget, NOT the quality) for game teams, since it is very hard for a ‘virgin’ team to find a publisher (near to impossible).
don’t get me wrong, i don’t want to encourage anyone to take money for her game, but when it comes to high-quality games that can competite with current sellers (that’s the point ) why not choose this as a profession?
i think that the license’s more about when you sell that many pieces, it would be nice if you’d donate let’s say this much …not really very stickt as far as i remember
the blender license is not my issue, it is very cool at this point (and at others too ). but have a look at the license of fmod at fmod.org, that is my concern. and a game without sound won’t be a game anyone would by.
Do you want to write your own game(-engine)? Or do you just want to sell Blender games? If you don’t want to write your own game(-engine) and usr the fmod-lib then you don’t have to care about fmod - you don’t have to pay royalty fees or buy a license! If you want to write your own game(-engine), use the fmod-lib and sell this work then (and only then) you’ve got to pay. So you should stick to what Ton said (a couple of times).
I agree with kEinStein said.
I think NaN had already paid license fee to the Firelight Technologies (FMOD owner), and we are just users of NaN’s product (The Publisher).
KEinSTein: No, we’ve paid for the Blender sourcecode and for nothing more.
It’s time to get that game engine right of his fat ass, back from holiday, and give it the solid. We payed him, and he just take a holiday, why? When will author of the Solid publish it? I thought it would be released some months ago? Is he also on holiday? Ooh yeah, roger, we have a problem over here, can you call them?
There is an older version of SOLID available at source forge. The problem is that the game engine uses features that need the new SOLID. So if you feel like rewriting parts of the engine to work with older SOLID then go ahead
If you dont we gotta wait for the new SOLID.
BTW does anyone know how much functionality we woul lose from using the old solid?