Impossible to quick favorite a command search result?

More or less what it says on the tin: Some blender options aren’t mapped to any keyboard shortcut and also don’t show on the most common menus. My example is “select linked flat faces”: the shortcut used to be an uncomfortable ctrl+shift+alt+f, now it has no default mapping and it doesn’t show on the mesh menu. I can find it on the search, but i can’t add it to the convenient “quick favorites” menu from there.
Same goes for plugin commands without a shortcut or menu to nest it (betas and unfinished test plugins, for example)

Is that by design, a bug or a missing feature?

(obs: i was going to post it on rightclickselect but it is blocked on my current network because it’s marked with a “social network” category somewhere :frowning: )

Yes. We can’t add things from search to quick favourites menu.

Because it is in Select menu.

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i could swear it has a “mesh” identification on the right end of the search results.


Still, the point stands: it’d be convenient to quick favorite commands from there: the name can be recalled faster than the path to it

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Is it just my imagination or are fewer things accessible by keyboard now? (Or maybe it’s just different things are accessible by keyboard.)

New house, still bumping into the furniture.

No, they seriously didn’t add some stuff to the menus. For example, you can’t find the command version of the loopcut tool in any of the menus. I thought I would try remapping it, but was surprised that they didn’t add it anywhere. I could go into the keymap editor and change it, but it would be a lot more convenient to have this under the edge menu.

Ain’t that the truth! After months I’m still pressing W for Subdivide and getting that useless Select tool toggle. :anguished:

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The reason this doesn’t work is a technical issue. Apparently it is not completely trivial to add this.

There is certainly no deliberate choice to not enable this.

Do you think we will be able to see it in 2.81? :smiley:

Hard to say. I will add it to the list of paper cuts, since we god lots of requests for this. If a developer has time, or any contributor finds in worthwhile, perhaps. But @ideasman42 looked into it and I think it was not trivial at least.