Some days ago i have been asked for what are the guidelines to get an Add-on into the Blender distribution. I pointed them to the Blender wiki… and then i went there to check what is there…
Well, i have started to reshape this but now i realize that i need help from the community. I have been doing this Add-on stuff for too long to see where occasional Add-on makers might need to get help. so…
I kindly ask here if you can take a look at the wiki and give me some hints about what we can do to improve. But please do not advise to kill the wiki or do a full rewrite of the stuff we already have. Both of those radical ideas would be sort of a good plan, but for now i only ask about improving what we have now.
If you think there is no improvement possible, just don’t answer me please. If you have ideas for improvement i am all ears. Also please (PLEASE!) feel free to edit the wiki on your own, at the end that is what a wiki is all about :eyebrowlift:
Many thanks in advance