Improved vertex snapping?

I was wondering is there is any work going on regard to improving Blender’s vertex snapping?

For example snapping a vertex of one object to a vertex belonging to a completely different object?

Maybe you can already do this and I’m just being stupid…

thanks in advance

Hmm, I don’t really know if you could do that merging at the moment…
but Campbell Barton coded a merge feature for the Peach team not too
long ago.

Well, basically you could do that… not very fast though. Select the vertice from object a and snap the cursor to it, then select the other object B and select the vertice and snap it to the cursor. You also try to use Retopo, but it’s not that accurate, for it doesnt snap to vertices.

Not that I have noticed.

For example snapping a vertex of one object to a vertex belonging to a completely different object?

Apparently you missed the transform snapping feature: I don’t know why so few people seem to know about it…
Here’s the article when it first appeared (version 2.43 of Blender)
The examples are all within the same mesh but you can snap stuff from the active object to any other object that is also selected now.

thanks in advance

You’re welcome.

For example snapping a vertex of one object to a vertex belonging to a completely different object?

Yes , that’s already possible in the current version .

First select an object (A) you want to snap vertices to ,
then shift-select the object (B) you want to edit ,
activate the snapping feature (shift+tab).

Now if you hold ctrl while moving a vertex from object (B) near a vertex of the object (A) , it will snap to it .

Peace :spin:.

IamInnocent - thank you very much - I have it working now

I was probably trying to snap in a Maya way instead of a Blender way!

Blender is very quickly running out of excuses not to be used in studios :wink:

thanks for writing the process down - I’m sure it will help others

Actually the blender snap system is very good… You need a little time to learn it because it behaves differently than other applications, but when you have it well in hand there are very few things you cannot do.

The best use of the vertex snap is indeed to use it with other objects. For example, you build a house model on top of a floor plan. You are editing your wall object, and you keep snapping to the floor plan object. From inside editmode, you can select (CTRL+click) only one other object to which you’ll be snapping, which turns out to be much more a vantage than a problem, you can effectively choose to what you will snap and to what you will not.
Using snapping in combination with the X, Y and Z constraints is also very, very powerful… You can achieve almost all combinations that you would do in other software by extending/trimming edges…

itirx wrote a tutorial on snapping…see maybe the tutorials page of the wiki…

Honestly- I do not think those snaping restrictions are something good. Sure, you can achieve same results as in say Maya or XSI but it takes more time and is more troublesome. Necessity of using “tricks” and being limited slows me down- sometimes quite meaningfully (of course it’s true only for me- you guys might be different).

A question- related to it somehow- is it possible to merge all vertices in certain radius ? Say I want all vertices that are closer to each other then 0.05 to get merged- on entire mesh. Is that possible at the moment ?

Try increasing the Limit value for Remove Doubles (Mesh Tools panel in Edit Mode).

Man, you’re a savior.

Snapping is good enough in Blender, but I think it’s buggy like hell. …or is it only me getting random quits when using it? And why is rotation snap turned off when vertex snap is turned on?!

It doesn’t crash here under Ubuntu and never has on my XP boxes either.
Maybe run Blender from command line with the -d (for ‘debug’) switch on and see the comments after a crash. Could be worth a bug report?

As for transforn snaps to grid being canceled (not just rotation) well, for myself at least, it would be very difficult to decipher how to get one specific transform snap actually acting if both kinds were active at the same time.

> Could be worth a bug report?
Maybe. I will do that…

> would be very difficult to decipher how to get one specific transform snap
Rotation has no vertex snap possibility. I’m wrong?
If you are rotating an object, you don’t move it. I’m wrong?
Then why turn off rotate snap (snap to degrees) at all?!

It does have rotation snaps but no scale snaps.


Yes, indeed I too had missed it most totally, thanks for the info.

I’ve even missed it. Nice…

Actually the blender snap system is very good… You need a little time to learn it because it behaves differently than other applications, but when you have it well in hand there are very few things you cannot do.

agree… i use autocad, and there are times i miss the snap tools there. yeah, blender has its own ways of snapping, i find them good, though tedious at times, but they do the job! :smiley:

Yes I can see the advantage in doing it this way. With Maya I think I would probably have to hide all the objects I didn’t want it to snap to.