Are there any tricks or plugins that can get an oversampling or anti aliasing effect in the game engine (in 2.25) How about just any general tips to make games look more like the rendered images?
I saw something that removed the invisible side of meshes (ie. the faces the camera can’t see any of) for normal rendering, does anyone know if and how this could be implemented to speed the game engine.( yeah I doubt it too).
NVidia and ATI drivers can do that.
but it working is kind of hit-or-miss. Some people don’t have problems others do. I have, and haven’t.
for me:
Ati radeon 9600: keep aa and af off (bad artifacts)
nvidia geforce 2 mx: aa is alwright, buttons are less clear
af didn’t mess stuff up, I didn’t notice an effect
To look more like rendered images you would need more polys, and a more complicated texturing and lighting model (per pixel lighting, multitexturing). This is possible in some game engines, but stresses old cards a lot.
People (saluk? …) were implementing some culling in the game engine so that only objects that are in the view (ignoring if they are covered up by another object) would be drawn. This will speed things up.
There are a lot of things that can be done to speed up the game engine, I am not an expert on it’s code so I will stop talking about that now.
You sure it wasn’t backface culling (which the game engine already does) whereby only one side of a face is visible. For objects that are filled entirely and are “manifold meshes” (if it is something you could create in wings 3d then it is both) then it will only be visible correctly from either the outside or the inside. The other side is hidden.
So you’re saying those graphics cards will automatically anti-alias the game images? Sorry I’m not real knowlegable about hardware.
What I meant was, I saw a plugin somwhere that avoided rendering any face that was completely behind somthing else, like you were saying about “(ignoring if they are covered up by another object)”.
It seems like anti-aliasing is very hard to achieve as very few programs do it properly with 2d graphics.
Anyway thanks