In 2.81, how to get back the save file pie menu from 2.80?

It’s not even in the keymap items. I tried copying the python class name or whatever it’s called into a new added item in Keymap > Window. It doesn’t seem to work. How can I do it?

Update: Ah I figured out, it’s because I forgot to turn on the pie menu addon. I’m an idiot. Please ignore this post

As this post is about pie menus and my question is about pie menus I won`t start another similar thread.

My question is in that v2.80 you could change the A key to select/deselect as it was in v2.79. I would like to do this in v2.81 instead of getting a pie menu to do it. I find it slower and less intuitive to have to press A then select from a menu instead of just pressing A to select and A to deselect. But I can`t remember how I changed it in 2.80 and is it even possible in v2.81?


In Preferences…

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Disable A pie menu from addon properties.
Go to User Preferences Window.
Into Addon tab, disable A pie menu from addon properties.
Into keymap tab, enable Select All Toggles option.

If you have registered a custom keymap, you may change shortcuts for (De)select All operators in all modes.
Change action from Select to Toggle for first operator and disable the ones that are no more useful.

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Thank you @ FreeAccess and @ zeauro for the solution!

Thanks. I’ll get onto this later after work.

Update. Done. Easy as pie! lol

Thanks again.