In memories of the defunct butterflies

Hey guys,

after watching BBB so many time…I couldn’t stand it seeing all these dead butterflies…had to make a tribute to them. :slight_smile:

hehe joke aside. It was mostly a texturing/lighting little exercice

The butterfly is, of course, from the Big Buck Bunny production file!

Nice image but the butterfly doesn’t look really integrated into the pic. You should try to lighten the butterfly more like the background pic. Make the sun light come more from the back.
To me it also feels like the image is a little bit unbalanced. There is just too much empty space on the right for my taste. Maybe add a blurred small butterfly in there or something.

A question on the side: Do you have to put the attribution into the Image?

Great texture work on the bark, quite astounding, you can practically see inside the treee through the cracks! I enjoy the half realistic half cartoonish feel, and i also enjoy the fairytale lighting you’ve got going on.
Unfortunately I am also a little distracted by the writing, it takes away the charm of the image because its so obvious and in your face.

Nice mood. Good seeing some work done with the BBB production files.

But the butterfly doesn’t fit that well with the rest of the scene. Maybe it’s the color? I can’t really tell…


Hey guys!

yeah, I completly agree. The butterfly looks out of place. Actually, I modelled the trees, textured them and all as a texturing exercice (and I learnt the tree script…awesome script btw). Once that was done, I felt like making a “final” render…but it was lacking something…so I went to check the BBB production files…found that beauty and decided to add it in. Unfortunatly, its shaders and stuff were meant to look cartoonish…and I had trouble making it in with my lighting setup without having it look out of place. And well, at 1h in the morning, I was kind of getting tired of tweaking a little butterfly :stuck_out_tongue:

So yeah…the butterfly was an afterthought…didn’t end up as good as I thought. Anyway, thanks for the comments! :smiley:

Here’s the tree/leaves/background without the butterfly