I have already posted this on the finished work section-
But something tells me that something is missing. Posting this because if theres anything that i couldve fixed, i can learn from the mistakes to have something better in the future
I really like the image, but the main character is a little ‘hard to read’. When you squint it’s hard to tell where the main character ends and where the small white ones begin.
In this version it’s a lot easier to see what’s going on because of the difference in color/light:
Yeah, the image doesn’t read well in general. Instead of telling a story, it just leaves you with questions.
Don’t take this the wrong way, it’s a very good image and it would probably be fine as a frame of an animation that gave the viewer a broader context of what’s going on.
Make it clear what’s happening, and limit your color palette, you have fully saturated reds blues, purples and greens. Too much. But it’s pretty awesome so far!
you are right- i kinda panicked on this one. i kinda go for what i imagine in the first place, and then when applied it turns to be different
Thanks Photox
@bartv I totally get you. I believe i was looking for the lightness of the horizon- and had trouble really putting it intogether!
yes the composition is more in your head then on the image. For example the foe he is facing is not obvious enough. To out of frame , too blurred etc. This is a common trap so it is great you are asking for advice. Many times as an artist you project your internal understanding of things out of frame or reference into the mood of the image when you are making it. but fail to realize this mindset is yours alone and other viewers will not have that additional info in mind when viewing the image. Make the image tell the entire story, even if something is meant to be inferred, it should happen from looking at the image , instead of having a personal understanding of obscure or out of frame elements like you currently have.
A perfect example here is you posting the selective renders of the enemy. How little of that is actually in the image… see my point here i hope.