My eyesight is fairly bad. My problem is not with acuracy but it is that high light, very high contrast or very low contrast all put a heavy strain on my eyes to the point of developping conjunctivitis.
I went to the Blender Theme Repository and saw some beautiful designs but none that could help me. So I proceeded to build my own theme in medium contrast with a bluish/orangy nod to Blender. It has worked OK all day yesterday but I wish to have the input of others before I commit it to the Repository.
Please be so kind as to change anything you think has to and give any feedback you feel appropriate, especially if you too are experiencing similar problems. Or simply offer another alternative, one that escaped my searches.
Its nice. The only problem I had with it was that the titles on some of the panels are written in white, and it is on that light background.
I couldn’t find a way of changing it, though.
EDIT - Aha! Its buttons window -> text highlight. I don’t know what would be best for you, but black or very dark brown looked OK to me.
Thanks you are right, it is quite better : I’d like to do the same with the text on the floating panels of the 3D view but I can’t find where to change that color yet.
I tried to take into account the comments I received and my own feelings (the first version was cute but decdedly too light).
So I came up with this : Legibility2.
The color scheme may not agree with you : quite frankly, it does not entirely with me either but it is quite legible, except for the bar where the line numbers sit which can’t have its color change AFAIK.
IMO it looks better but contrast brown-yellow is too high. By the way, congrats, I’ve never made my theme because I’m always out of patience playing with all the buttons
Thanks you are right, it is quite better : I’d like to do the same with the text on the floating panels of the 3D view but I can’t find where to change that color yet.
Got it, 3d-view -> Text highlight. I’ve set it to black.
Ive altered a few things. You say you have a problem with high and low contrasts, so I changed the file browser slightly and the text editor (had a bright white background)
As a personal preference, I set the 3d background to 100, but I haven’t saved this.
Thank you !
I guess that I am not seeing these buttons anymore…
Ive altered a few things. You say you have a problem with high and low contrasts, so I changed the file browser slightly and the text editor (had a bright white background)
As a personal preference, I set the 3d background to 100, but I haven’t saved this.
The colors for the text editor must be made a tinge lighter for me than for you on my screen : I’m finding that different technologies (LCD vs CRT vs DLP vs Plasma) give different results and different artefacts.
High contrast is good if I don’t have to glare at it for a long time, which is the case for the file browser. I like the colors you found
I’ve made one last one, after a long discussion with JMS which, as an art teacher, knows quite a bit about color perception. He explained that we can distinguish between shades of green much easier than for other hues. This allow for a much more subdued color theme that is still quite legible.
I left the menus in brown and orange as they are real attention getter but I think that they need some tweaking.
Looks nice. I have a bit of a problem with the text for the menus, the light yellow on darker green. I would prefer a black, but I don’t know whats best for you
I might have a play around later, but its a sunny day! Woo!
BTW I reworked the first version to be a bit darker.
I intend to use these three themes quite a bit to find out their weeknesses. I’m also thinking of a script thait would accelerate the reworking of any theme to allow changing the color of every element that share a given color.
Wiggie ?
Do you have you theme handy : I’d like to see if I could live with it on an everyday basis.
Also, it is a known fact that color polutes its environment with complementary color : notice how the really white theeth of blue faced aliens like Zahn in Farscape seem to be yellow. I tried to avoid this by having a gray background in the 3D window and your theme may help me evaluate how succesfull I’ve been.