And lose momentum to achieve something… (?)
After a time of personal investment to progress in “self-taught” learning of the blenderrian’s 3D, here comes the great exhaustion. Loss of taste, slight boredom and/or loss of sense… This will pass, or it will not pass…
The decor, a copy of a photo, was quick: reproduce the interior of a metro station, especially, here, better understand the connection with “array” modifier + curve, and better manage shaders for a semblance of “hyper-realism”…
But the characters, pff pff… Sculpture, for one Odesu at the image of the beginning of the film, solely based on too fast images from this moment. Then the application of a texture cobbled together from a photo of the face, projected in UV, and the resumption of the diffuse map obtained, on Photoshop.
Not finished. Another character is missing, started, to move towards an almost “finished” composition.
Too much time spent on this. I think.
Viewport 1
Viewport 2
Viewport 3
Viewport Scene