It’s a good that this kind of discussions are started from time to time.
I think mankind has two characteristics that doesn’t allow to come to a final answer.
We wouldn’t be able to discuss such questions via internet if we wouldn’t ask everytime we found an answer for a question: Why just this answer, what’s behind it. Or: if this is the reason, what’s the reason for the reason. etc. Short, we always ask why.
We are just not intelligent enough to answer all questions or give a reason for everything. Why should we ?
From the standpoint of evolution there is no reason why intelligence should have rosen from somthing around zero for worms and apes to 100 % for humans within a few hundered thousend years and no step inbetween.
From a religious standpoint we shouldn’t have 100% of intelligence and wisdom otherwise we would be god. (6 billion gods, uahhh)
If before the “begining” there was nothing, how could a huge explosion or God make the universe? And who created God? Was God just always around? If so, why can’t we bring that down a level and say that the universe was always around. Planets and Stars are made all the time.
If we can bring this down to one level than we probably have the answers to all questions (someone wrote it’s 42 ).
If we just bring this down to one level than we believe.
And believing is the big gift of religion; you can rest and say I’m tired to search for answers there is someone who cares for my needs.
We could be nothing special, just inteligent life.
Would we be intelligent if we wouldn’t ask why and how, observe, draw conclusions, and again ask why and how ?
My model of bringing physics and god “togethter” are two parallel lines.
The gap between is the difference between mankind and god or from the other point of view the lack of intelligence. (Please don’t draw the conclusion that I mean: god = lack of intelligence; I don’t)
For god (if he,she,it is) those two lines belong to a plane, cyclinder, or a hyper something and he can move over as he wants to. For us they are just parallel lines.
Some of us may walk only on the physics line others only on the “religious” line, most of us more or less on both but the gap remains.
Making progress on the physics line doesn’t bring us closer to the religious line or forces god back.
So, if we go forward on the physics line there may be one day when some scientist is told “this is the end of infinity, you found all answers to physical questions”.
Remains the question.
Who is Q ?