In the Midst of Progress

with post-pro:

original image:


render time: 2:47:06
time spent on project: september 19th - october 6th
Modeler: Blender
Renderer: Yafray

Special thanks to everyone in the WIP which can be viewed here

Special Bonus Tutorial on p4 here

other notes:

i understand that this project may not look finished to some, and that it has many imperfections. but this is more than i have ever done in my whole experience in blender. i was starting to get burnt out on this project and decided to finish it up. i promise that with the completion of this project, more amazing ones are in the future :] i’ve learned so much in this period of time, blender is amazing ! and i am still learning new things.

-thanks to everyone in the community for the help on this project(even in indirect ways they don’t even realize)

Can’t wait to see what’s on your plate next!!!

Out of your two final images I actually like the original better then the postpro version. The colors just look too saturated and make the hut look fake IMHO. GREAT JOB though on the whole thing!! 8)

yeah, i figured some people wouldn’t like my post-pro work to much, thats why i included the original. i just happen to like that over-saturated look :]

Even if it is a little bit over-saturated as you say I prefer the post-pro one just because your look is immediately focused on the interessant point of the picture.
And all the details of your texturing are improved.
Well, one more word : GREAT JOB.

Yeah the original is better. Not too keen on the roof texture though … looks weird.

But other than that, good work! :smiley:

===> thats 2 btw

I dont know which image I like more. The original has a more realistic feeling than the post pro one but the post pro one gives a better focus of the main elements of the scene. It depends what effect and mood you want to create

I must agree with the one more word theory: GREAT JOB

hey thanks you guys ! im hoping for some more great comments :]

I have to say, this is really awesome, I like both versions, but the postpro’d one is way better, it makes the lighting seem way more natural. Especially considering the angle of the shadows.

friggin awesome man, It looks great!

nehpets you have done very gond on this one.
I really liked the texturing on the big pipes in the background and the concrete wall.

even so, I think the only thing that could have been better here was texturing in a few places like :
the iron angles (the frames) , the wooden shack’s base and the wooden shack’s window.
but hey I said it could have been better, whatever you’ve done here looks great as well !

The post pro work is nicely done, but both pictures have different moods to them, the original looks like a dusk scene and the post pro has a nice sunny morning look to it.

keep it up

great work! looks like you have a bit of chain missing from the 2 horizontal hooks.

garphik: yeah, those textures can get to be soooo tedious. but thanks for the compliment on the back pipes…i actually hated those more than anything because they were so hard to texture.

slikdigit: you caught it ! i was hoping no-one would…oh well. %|

shameless bump

anyone think this would be worthy for the Blender3d Gallery ?

submit it and see :smiley:

Nice work. The post-pro version is a bit better.

I think you still need to work on the textures a bit more. The pipes in the bg are very similar in colour and the textures look a bit low res. Also, the wood structure doesn’t seem to fit the overall scene for some reason. Just look sout of place, though it is well done.

And I did notice the chains were missing right away as well. :wink:


yeah, the textures were a big deal for me to. basically this is my first genuine attempt to texture a whole scene. so i guess being a beginner you can’t expect the best. but i do understand what you’re saying about the textures and my next project will not have those same problems :]

and as far as the shack being out-of-place. that was the point :]

I sincerely apollogize, i’ve been watching this topic from beginning to end, and still havent’ posted my final crit… :frowning:

My ending crits:
The detail in the texturing for a “Beginner” is very nice, especially your shack. I can hardly believe it.
Sad to see that you didn’t fix the cross bars though… :frowning:

Other than that… great job, now I have a new background for my laptop.
Nice dude…!

thanks man ! it means alot for someone to follow a project all the way through like you did. i appreciate your crits and hopefully my new project “The.Wasp” will be even more amazing :]

hey I want to see your scene but any image is in place anymore, can you drop a new link to the pics :frowning:

Gracias y suerte!!!

Oye hombre, aquí está el poste en pro de, o la producción del poste. Si usted tiene cualquier otros problemas con no ver el pics, lemme sabe, yo le ayudaré fuera petimetre. Soy un 2 años. tecnología de computadora, apenas me pregunta un usted obtendrá una respuesta…

P. ¡Yo no hablo mucho español, espera que usted pueda entender esto!

tnx for the answer :slight_smile: … and yes i undestand allmost all in here, just the final of your message is a little bit wired :S :slight_smile:

Gracias !!!
any link to imageshank is working, maybe is bocked by the webadministrators here in my workplace, Im going to try at home tonight.

[my translation of the translation] Oye hombre, aqui esta el “enlace” a la imagen del “post”. Si tienes cualquier otro problema y no puedes ver alguna imagen dejame saberlo, yo te ayudare en lo que sea pertinente [/my traslation of the translation]

This is the part I can´t undesrtand but sounds like everithing is alright :slight_smile:

Esto lo entiendo perfecto muchas gracias de nuevo por tu esfurezo

[my translation of the translation] P. ¡Yo no hablo mucho español, espero que puedas entender esto![/my translation of the translation].