I found this amazing moon landing video, and I tried to recreate it,
I don’t know how to set up different subdivision drivers one time for these different object planes (1000 pcs)
There are 1000 object planes,
1 the object planes are produced with Alt+D (material linked object), it will save cpu with less polygons and better render speed
2 the object use subdivision + Decimate + three layers displacement modifier , one cloud texture for details and two musgrave texture for shape
3 the displacement object texture coordinates with an empty cube object
4 subdivision Simple level and the Decimate un-subdivide level are controled by different driver, the driver is the distance between Camera and each object plane
5 the sampling path tracing seed range are 0 ~ 500
I have two questions,
I don’t know how to set up different subdivision drivers one time for these different object planes (1000 pcs) , (subdivision Simple level and the Decimate un-subdivide level are controled by different driver, the driver is the distance between Camera and each 1000 different object plane)
and the the sampling path tracing seed, what is it used for ?
The video blend files
It is solved with the producer’s help, just set up one driver, and the other driver of each planes are created automatically when copied it with Alt+D .