Howdy! I’m an old maya hand that is switching to blender. I’m making an animation (first time) and I’m having a little trouble with the rig. Basically is seems that I cannot select the controllers themselves, but rather the invisible bones they’re correlated to.
Also when I select the approximate center of the controller additional controllers are selected even when they definitely weren’t in my selection range.
I am selecting the controllers in object mode, NOT the bones.
So…is it me or the rig? I’m too inexperienced to know. Any support, or pointing me in the right direction, would be appreciated. The inaccurate selection is KILLING my animation pipeline.
Its pretty hard to figure out what your problem is exactly from your post alone. I don’t recognize that rig or the widgets.
In my experience its primarily a game of hiding controllers you won’t need to ease selection.
Since I don’t recognize the rig its hard to judge wether it comes with its own rig ui. Most professional rigs do come with that since blenders bone layer system is rather archaic.
This is what you get when you generate a rig with Rigify for example:
Another thing that might throw you of is the selection method.
I work with the top one (tweak) as default and will use shortcuts for the others (B for box select, C for circle select and I dont know the shortcut to the last one).
Other then that I think I would have to look at the blend file or perhaps you can make a short movie of the exact problem your experiencing. ScreenToGif is a really easy screencapture software. Just save the output as mp4 x264 and not gif so you get a small sized movie.
Is this a rig you downloaded or something you constructed yourself?
Your welcome! The reason circle select is “inaccurate” is because it functions like a paintbrush. So yes, it will select everything that it touches inside its radius.