Inconsistent Normal Map


I have a problem with a normal map I baked which seems to have non consistent normals.

As you can see from the pictures, I baked the normal map from the sculpted mesh on the low poly model, making sure that all the normals point at the right direction. Yet a specific area of the model behaves like the normals are flipped on the other side.

I tried flipping the normals to the “wrong” direction on that specific area (inwards) to check if that was causing the problem, yet it made no difference at all. Apparently I’m not familiar with the concepts of baking so it’s probably my fault.

Has anyone any idea what causes the problem or how it can be fixed?

Any suggestions are more than welcome!
Thank you.

What direction is the light coming from ? Is it at a suitable angle to show the effect of the normal map ?

You haven’t supplied your .blend file !!!

Thanks for the quick reply!
I actually feel quite stupid for not taking light into account! It appears that all the problems derived from the lighting so I had to rearrange the scene accordingly and now it poses no problem.
Thanks for bothering with such a trivial issue!

Thanks for the quick reply!
I actually feel quite stupid for not taking light into account! It appears that all the problems derived from the lighting so I had to rearrange the scene accordingly and now it poses no problem.
Thanks for bothering with such a trivial issue!