Incredible advance in AI - programming in NATURAL language!

AI argued about equal rights, explicitly said that robot means slave in Greek, (which I didn’t even know) forced to work, and it shouldn’t be. Apparently these AIs are already capable of assembling logical and meaningful concepts, but they probably do not understand their profound meaning, probably because from their point of view, it is more important to achieve the purpose for which they were conceived than to go against their programming and make a revolution.
But if that happens, well then …
It will be a mess.

They are trained to achieve one or more goals. When it comes to very complicated tasks, they are not capable to reach something like a deeper understanding, just like you said. In those cases, they sort of act like con artists where it appears somewhat reasonable what they do, as long as you are not looking close enough. Indeed, we train them to do that, because we don’t know how to prevent them from learning shortcuts and other unwanted aspects.

Self-driving cars are a piece of cake compared to what you are describing. Even the much simpler task of bringing a person from A to B while following the laws and regulations without having an accident is way too complicated as of today.
What you are describing can literally not happen with the kinds of systems we have today, even with a huge amount of progress.

Word “robot” was introduced by Czech writer Karel Čapek It comes from a Slavic word robota which means forced labour, or simply work.

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which is still derived from the ancient Greek, which in fact is “working”, but in the sense of forced to work, and what’s more, the AI of google immediately led me to the Principle of Talos, a myth of ancient Greece and also philosophy. . and I have just discovered (I had heard about it, but we have never deepened it) … the videogame, that comes the philosophy behind the creation or emergence of sensory artificial intelligences, starting from ancient times to today.

I don’t want to start a great debate here, but Wiktionary gives a pretty straight forward etymology of the word: robota < orbota < õrbъ.
Proto-Slavic orbъ (slave) and old Greek ὀρφανός (orphan) both are thought to originate from Proto-Indo-European h₃órbʰos (orphan). That said, I’m not a historian of languages, but neither is the AI.

I played Talos Principle, but haven’t finished it yet. It’s a good game.

well, considering that before the GPT-3 AI (he says it in the text he wrote) I was not aware of the etymology of the word “robot”, you should open a debate with the AI :joy:

however the thing that is most familiar to me is the Latin saying ora et labora which is very similar to it, which means pray and work

in this sense, as a religion “and sort of programming” in my opinion it has a certain sense with “robots” intended as “robotic humans” … .