Indiana Blenderheads Unite

Hi all,

This thread has two purposes. The first is to announce the formation of a Blender users group in Bloomington Indiana. The group will be known as Bloomington Blender Users Group or BBUG for short. Myself and deltaray will be heading up the group. deltaray was nice enough to start up a forum for BBUG, so we have our own little meeting place on the web. Anyone in the Bloomington area (or anyone willing to drive to Bloomington) is invited to join. The forum address is:

The second reason for this thread is to find out if there are other Blenderheads in Indiana (and surrounding area) that would like to get together once or twice a year in Indianapolis for a state-wide Blender Conference. I have been in contact with a few other members that live too far outside of Bloomington to make it to regular meetings. However, they said they would be interested in a conference in Indy.

So, how about it? Anyone else interested out there? We need to know what dates / times will work for you both for the BBUG meetings and the Indy Conference.

Thanks for reading,


I would love to come but I live in Ohio and driving that far that many times is unrealistic for my family. I think that I might be able to come to they conferences though. That might work depending on the date. I will be checking back on this!

I live in downtown Indy. Count me in.

Hey everybody. Even if you’re not planning on coming to meetings, we’d still like to hear from people in Indiana just to get an idea of how many Blenderheads are in the state.

Also, I just put the site in place. If you have any recommendations for the website as far as graphics, logos, text, etc., please feel free to send them to me at [email protected].

Ironically I happen to be in Ft. Wayne right now (I’m on vacation and I stopped for a family reunion). :smiley:

I’m in IL, might be able to join in once in awhile. It’s a three hour drive to Bloomington.

Forgot to add that I would most certainly be interested in an Indy conference.

I’m northeast of Indy, outside of Anderson. I could drive down to Bloomington maybe once in a while, but Indy is a much better drive for me to make.

Well anyone interested in the Bloomington Group, pop over to the BBUG forum, sign up and let us know what times would be good for meetings. All of those interested in an annual meeting in Indy, gives us some Ideal of dates that you think would be good for the meeting here in this thread. Also, if you know Indy well, give us some ideals on a good venue for the meeting. Also, we are open to any ideas on what you all would like to do, at the BBUG meetings or at the Indy meeting.

Anybody else?

Does anyone have any ideas on good places where people using Blender are likely to congregate outside of these forums? Like where would be good places to post flyers or make announcements?

Try submitting it to They might have it on their website and it might get a ton of traffic!

I’ve posted a time to meet for our first meeting on the BBUG forums. Please reply in the thread if you can make it or not. This will be a meeting to get to know people and we can show off some stuff in Blender.

It’d be a bit of a drive for me but sounds cool. :slight_smile: I live in Crown Point IN

@pnoland: Well come on down then, your only a 3 hour drive away from Bloomington;).

I’d love to join in except I’m about a plane ride from Indiana.

Funny, reading the tittle at first I thought that this thread had something to do with Indiana Jones XD
Nevermind me XD

That would be sweet if you could come kbot! I might be able to come to the meeting the 24th but I don’t know if my mom wants to drive 3 and a half hours for a couple hour meeting. I would but you know. How long would the meeting last actually? That would really help my decision! Thanks in advance!

Hey Dudebot13, my guess is it will go 2 or 3 hours. Keep in mind this is 7:00pm we are talking about meeting. If we get out at 10:00pm you wont get home until 1:30am. You would have to have a very nice Mom for that arrangement to work. Hopefully as we get a group established in Bloomington, we can work toward the bigger meeting in Indianapolis and that meeting would likley be during the day and hopefully worth your Mom’s time. Anyway, you are welcome to come to Bloomington if you want, we are happy to have you join in.

With as much interest as there seems to be, we should definately have a larger conference on at least and annual basis in Indy. Something that lasts all day and has workshops and such.

I think the people who don’t live within reasonable driving distance of Bloomington, but still are interested should consider starting groups in their areas. There could definately be one for northern Indiana and central Indiana.

I know that there are more blender people in Indy with me…I went to the library to check out ‘Essential Blender’, and I’m 5th on the waiting list.

Wow, a 5 person queue for Essential Blender. That’s cool. Maybe the thing to do then is to put a piece of paper in the front of the book that announced the users groups. That way you can get in touch with these people. Just give them the web address or something. Just don’t write in the book.