indigo multithreading?

how do i enable multithreading? i was trying to follow the manual but it couldn’t even start because i couldn’t get the indigo_console.exe running without automatically closing.

here’s my best screenshot before it automatically closed on me

but is this what i’m even supposed to do? IIRC the manual wasn’t clear as to where exactly i’m supposed to type “indigo.exe -t 4”. yes dont even ask…i have a quad core.

Are you using blendigo? then you can get it to autostart from script window. Just configure the other file you put in pydata folder under scripts. There you write the location of your file. then you can autorun indigo.

The manual is heavely outdated… So there is no need tow write from the console no more.

Use the latest Blendigo script, and set the number of threads to 2 or more.


I havent tested the difference between 1 and 4 threadss yet, but I will soon. I might actually do a one hour comparison between 1,2,3,4 threads. Just to see how much of a difference it makes.

once i hit the 2 and a half hour point i will post a comparison between 1 and 4 threads @ 2 and a half hours.

here I am at the 55 minute point and they’re lookin about the same.