I’m trying to model and render some glass candle holders for a Christmas picture. I did one render with Yafray and one in Indigo. I couldn’t get the HDRI image to show up at all in Indigo so I just got rid of it and added a sunlamp instead (my only light in the seen). I also applied the subsurfing as explained in the Indigo beginning tutorial.
As you can see from the two images, they aren’t even close.
1: Why are the subdivisions in the wireframe showing through?
2: Why is the floor completly black?
(Yes my normals are pointing in the right direction)
3: Where did the color in the glass go?
I’m using Indigo 0.6 because it’s listed as a stable release. Should I try 0.5 instead?
I think you need to send the file and the HDR. I have gotten the HDR working with indigo a bunch of times. You need to put the HDR in the same place as the XML you are rendering. IF you are, then you need to send the .blend with the HDR, so I can see for myself what is actually going on.
the reason your ground plane is completely black is because you have raymirror turned on.
This caused a huge amount of problems for me just recently when I was doing a comparison test between yafray and indigo on a pretty complex scene. I had to hunt out and disable raymirror on 30 or so different meshes that each had different materials.
and of course when I wanted to use yafray again, I had to hunt them down again and re-enable raymirror.
I really hope someone makes that indigo export more functional. This little gem and the fact that you have to copy all textures to the indigo directory makes it a real pain in the tush.
Use set smooth on your glasses, and make sure the Indigo exporter is set to use a sun lamp when you export. The reflectivity slider works the same as ray mirror for Indigo, so yeah, turn any ray mirror off.
[Edit] Also, any HDR images you want to use with Indigo have to be converted to .EXR format.
Well… I’m quickly learning that dispite what the tutorial states, it’s best NOT to apply the subsurf to the mesh. I tried again and again to get it to look right and it never did. I finally did this image with one suzanne with no subsurf, one with subsurf set to (2,2) and applied to the mesh and one set to (2,4) and not applied.
Not applying the subsurf permantly to the mesh makes the XML file HUGE! It went from about 500K to 56Megs! But the results look much better. Judge for yourself.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. Look at this render I just finished vs. the very first one I posted in this thread. There’s no lines from the mesh showing in the render. The subsurf level is exactly the same in this one as the first. The only difference is that in this one I didn’t apply the the subsurf to the mesh where as in the first one I did.
Oh… and yes. I have to brighten things up a bit in Photoshop.
It’s not really a bug as far as I know, Indigo just uses the reflectivity slider instead of ray mirror. I haven’t really tried any 0.7 test versions, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you much about it.