Industrial Tower

Hey everybody!

I’m working on this picture and I just know something is missing. Anybody know what?
(also advice on lighting is very welcome)


add some lights at the opposite of the sun, really to dark to see what you try :wink:
Its a nice beginning looks promising, whit some adjustments.

maybe some light from a fire on the ground, that would be kinda cool (basically just an orange light with a texture applied to it facing the building…)

then it would look amazing!!!

some more support under the disk part. look like it could be blown over in a wind strom

It’s not too bad, but you should look at it from the side in Ortho View, because the upper part looks like it is leaning over. The textures are nice, but in the front it looks like the windows got the slightest bit warped. It is more pronounced on the disk, though.
Otherwise, you might try turning on environment lighting at a low setting around, say, .2 or less, as it gives a sort of lighting that works good without adding unnecessary lights.
You should also use .png file type instead of .jpg for the render, as there are lots of fragments of compression. .png doesn’t do that.

Otherwise, keep it up! It is a very good start!

Definetly, You could use lights or lightened background to draw out tower from background

Try lighting up a bit it look nice.:confused:
