Infiltrator Squad Member

Hey guys, I’ve been asked to do some modeling for an upcoming game, and here’s some concept for a squad member that specializes in infiltration. At the moment I’m working on the really high polygon mesh for the normal map then I’ll reduce it to about 4 000 - 5 000. Tell us what you think:

Sorry 'bout the bad quality concept, it’s A3 and I can only get access to a scanner that size at work.

Crits and comments NEEDED thanks.

very nice! are you planning on taking it into a high poly prog like zbrush, sharp construct, or silo or are you doing it all in Blender? I get a sense that their’s a tabletop influence also, and that’s a good thing.

Yeh I’m thinking I might put it into zBrush when I finish modeling the main body.

UPDATE: Hands and torso are done now. They’re mostly made with shaped cubes and some sculpting.

I like the flow, the armor/gear all feels right. 2 observations… the fingertips look a little strange… almost pinched… and, the hoses along the ribs have me scratching my head. are they rigid or flexible? I know you’re still working on it… so I’ll hold off until there’s a little more detail. my thought is that rigid would need segments while flexible will need some supports. out of curiosity how many faces are you currently pushing?

Looks good! Can’t wait to see a game! BTW 5k polys for a game!?! That’s very high-poly. What kind of game? If it’s an RPG that’s way too high. If it’s a game like SSB then it’s ok to have 5k polys.

UPDATE: The modeling is finished.

It’s roughly 110 000 polygons so it sort of dies when I unwrap it :frowning:
How should I unwrap it so it makes a good UV layout?

you’re going to have to spend a LOT of time laying out seams…
you might be able to save time by doing the following…
download sharpconstruct/3-d coat/body paint/crazy bump/tattoo (any of them) and paint at least a basic color guide. (crazybump doesn’t paint but it does output normal maps which can be used as a basic coloring guide.

your safest bet would be spending time on your unwrap seams though… good luck for sure

EDIT: I just thought about something… if you select the polygons for each unique section of texture you can assign a material to it… when unwrapping many programs let you select UV groups by materials assigned…

Thanks 4tonmantis, I’ll try work on the seams now…

re-reading your question I got the impression that maybe you’re looking for pointers in arranging the polygons. so far I’ve only unwrapped two characters but the thing that was helpful in laying out the polygons was choosing positioning that kept similar items together. For example, the polygons for your shirt may be arranged in one location while the armor is in all grouped in another… I’ve seen some lay it out just flat and that’s probably fine too, but I get the impression you’ll be hand painting your textures, so grouping them should help simplify brush/pattern usage. I know that’s still sort of generalized, but since nobody else is offering, I felt compelled to try to contribute what little more I could…