ok, so this system is a little odd,
it’s a mix of logic and python,
it does
Aim at target 1, get distance to target 1, move (Distance/frames remaining)for 90 frames to target 1
and so on for target 2, target 3, target 4, and then back to target 1,
but something is wrong with my implementation,
a little help?
feel free to redesign from scratch
the idea is to have object offset based animations,
(frames 90-180 move to here) even when the location is not constant.
WhatAmIDoingWrong.blend (463 KB)
Blueprint, I can make this much simpler and use much less logic, if you’d let me redesign it a bit for you.
No problem, this was more of a proof of concept…
I would love to see any other solutions,
already have a physics walker copying it
I was trying to do it using AlignAxisToVect and getVectTo() but I had already had the track to and just kinda went with it,
So what is the point of this script?
1 location based “keyframe”
Example, player has mouse aim on a 3rd person rig,
Player is shooting at high elevated target, player reloads
Animation choices-
1.animate torso to “stock” position play reload
- Have player continue torso location, have reload “spaceframe” on clip on belt,
Hand reaches clip no matter current animation state of rest of player. And reloads.
Other examples
Dynamically adjusted walk animation,
Dynamically adjusted climbing animations.
Anything you can think of,
Since the “spaceframes” are tangible, animate-able and easily manipulated. If you do the same (get difference and /time) for angle, then you can “keyframe” rotations, and scale even.