Inflatable castle with bouncing character

Hello there,
I have modeled a bouncy castle. I want to let a sphere bounce on it. I thought of using Soft Body for the castle and collision for the sphere. My problem is, that with the soft body modifier options, the bouncy castle deflates before i have even animated the sphere. How can I solve this problem?
Maybe you can open the file like that? Im not sure, but you can give me feedback.
Thank you very much. - quite helpful.

I looked that onces before, but it doesnt help me with this object

So, are you trying to model the deflection of the “bouncy” surface as a sphere hits it? Are you trying to do a physical simulation? It might help if you would render a few seconds of your animation with your set, showing us also the camera angle(s) you have in mind, even though at this point the “bouncy” isn’t done yet.

You might be able to “fake it” using shape keys, but it really completely depends upon your situation.

Also, “bouncy rooms” sometimes deflect very considerably – the walls wiggle – when a bunch of heavy things [children …] get into them, so it would help also for you to show us exactly what you have in mind … exactly what is, and isn’t, important to you.

Im trying to do a physical simulation of the bouncy castle. In the new file you can see the camera angle and that i fixed the problem, that the castle deflates at the start. I also animated a sphere to make one bounce at the castle. But when the keframes are to close together, the ball stucks in the castle. The “new” problem is also that the bouncy room wiggle not enough. Like you said, that the walls also react to the bounce. Maybe I should let more spheres bounce on the castle but Blender seems to have problems to generate the simulation. It’s very slow.
I hope that I described well what I need. Thank you for your help.