Infrared connection

How do I make an infrared connection between two pcs?
I’ve got a laptop with WinXP Home installed and an old laptop for my daughter with Win 95.
On Win95, I’ve simply activated the infrared and its looking for a connection every 3 seconds, but finds nothing.
However, in WinXP, I’m only able to create a new connection, either as host or as guest. Of course, this finds nothing either…
There does not seem to be much more one can do to establish a connection. Does anyone have any clues?

PS: The infrared ports are facing each other directly, uninterupted, at a distance of a few centimeters.

are you sure that you have anfrared ports on each of the pcs?? like i know that we tried to astablish that connection with two phones, and only succeded by aligning the two ports to each other by playing them pararel to each other… thats the only way that it worked for me and my friend…

Yep, I’ve managed to make an infrared connection between my laptop and phone before.