IngieBee site updated

Well, not really updated, but you won’t be left in frames when you click on the links.

I also added a link to a VR “game” thing that has been in closed Beta. It is now in open beta and It’s pretty fun! If you like to create stuff and give it “physical” attributes with scripting, this game gives you lots of power there. It’s quite wild!

Anyway, the site is a little cleaner…. I hope :stuck_out_tongue:

Love Ingie

hehe thanks ingiebee… :slight_smile:

Hey Ingie,
long time since our path crossed!
Love your work!

Take care.

Oh, I’m around, always around, but such a busy bee, I have no time to think, but always putzing around the moment I get a chance :stuck_out_tongue:

great site - really helpful

keep up the good work :smiley:

I still need to upload more Blendermania tutorials, sorry all, I’ve been flaky %|