Initial Installation

I am completely new to 3D animation etc. and trying to get started. I have searched the Blender site but can find no link to ask this there so here goes:
My system is Widows XP running on Pentium 4
I did install Blender 2.42a, then Yafray 0.0.9 then Python 2.5 as I found out I needed them. There was also a .dll required with Yafray but i was not sure what to do with it…
Everything seemed to be working but the DOS Window is confusing and the latest DOS script ends with something like ‘Python not found continuing happily’.
I have uninstalled the lot and need advice as to what to install, in what order and where.
I have to hand:
Blender-2.42a-windows.exe from MS Windows Installer
YafRay 0.0.9 G7 Installer.exe and msvcr71.dll
Python 2.5.msi
Can anyone help me get up and running?
:confused: :confused: :confused:


You should be using Python 2.4x - The highest 2.4 release. My understanding is that Blender release numbers are loosely tied to Python release. So Blender 2.4x should work fine with any release of Python 2.4 to 2.4x.

Best of Luck!!

Thank you. Not sure how I got this thread started twice but very grateful to the responses to both.