Ink-drop-like texture

hi all,

i love to play with blender, but i am not an expert !

i am looking a type effect : like an ink drop revealing an object. imagine a white object in white environment with no cast shadows, then an ink drop revealing the object.

how would you achieve that ?

I am using blender 2.79 but 2.8 could be fine

see pic for an example

thanks a lot

Perhaps with dynamic paint?


thanks for the suggestion. I didn’t know this feature, i will have a look !

does dynamic paint produces a renderable texture ? or is it generating like weight paint information which i need to use te reveal a material ?

thanks a lot

You can either generate vertex paint or you can render to a series of bitmaps.
There are properties to make the paint “flow” downwards or to “spread” on the object which makes it look like it is perfect for what you want to do.

However, I have never used it before for anything else than testing purposes so perhaps someone else with more experience can tell you more.

The following video demonstrates its abilities quite well:

hi !

great ! i think this is the right path… but i am unable to render the “paint” on the object… it appears in the sim but not in the rendered image…

Check my answer on BSE:

great ! i will have a closer look, seems nice !



ok so i have read everything but i am still stuck when trying to render the image. Everything renders white.

see attached blend file


tex.blend (723.6 KB)