[Input] Custom Blender Setup | ALT-Maya Navigation, LMB Selections | for blender 3.1

Some Selections got broken with the latest buildbots. Fixed that.
Added a couple of addons: Destructive Extrude; Simple Lattice; Edge Flow

Started porting/re-working on my old Pie Menus:

Object Shading Pie: SHIFT+Z

Wireframe On and Wireframe Off: if nothing is selected will do the command for the whole scene !
Show in Front Toggle: Will toggle the property on selection. If nothing is selected defaults the whole scene to Off
Shadow Toggle: Will toggle the property on selection. If nothing is selected defaults the whole scene to On


Object Modifiers Control Sub-Pie: called from Object Pie and Edit Mesh Pie

Object HOps Boolean Sub-Pie: called from Object Pie (needs HOps installed! - buy it)


Edit Mesh Selections Sub-Pie: called from Edit Mesh Pie

Edit: added Ray Cast Selection
MMB: Paint Select
SHIFT+MMB: Paint Select Add
CTRL+SHIFT+MMB: Paint Select Subtract