insert 3d model in real photo

hi guys! i’m an architecture student and i always do models to be inserted on photos (of real enviroment) i was wondering if there’s a command in blender to insert your model to match a real photo, as it exists on 3ds max or cinema 4d, i usually put the photo as a background image and put the render resolution equals to the resolution of the photo i’m using and play with the rotation and position of the camera but it takes me hours and it’s a little sloppy, is there a sophisticated way to do this? i have tried BLAM add on but it is good only to reconstruct geometry, not for what i need…
thanks in advance !! :smiley: take another good look at that video
“when they say lets reconstruct that house”… (2:16) you dont need to do that, (and they even say that…)
As at that moment your camera is alligned to the photo and you could place anything in blender; since the camera is now aligned it should be rendered in the same perspective.