Insert Topology during animation

Hello guys! I hope im in the right forum because its allthough kind of a modeling question. I want to morph a mesh in a animation.
Right now i just use shape keys, but you can see the extruded topology and it looks very ugly:

I was wondering if it is possible to insert topology in the animation so that before the extension comes out the ball is smooth. Thank you!

I was wondering if it is possible to insert topology in the animation so that before the extension comes out the ball is smooth. Thank you!

It is - it’s called “Cheating”:

Here’s the blend file, just press Play from frame 1:

smooth.blend (565 KB)

Cheers, Clock. :slight_smile:

You. clever. beast.
I love that idea. I will test it with my more complex set-up.
Have the greatest of a weekend, many thanks and much love :*