(If you’re interested, it’s the “celestial sphere” video which you can find at http://brahms.phy.vanderbilt.edu/a102/handouts/)
Had a look at the page (might want to spell-proof it! ) and animations.
Inserting animation:
If its a new SECTION you want to add, the easiest way is NOT to add frames in the middle!
In “normal” videos with cuts from one to the next, you could render each clip separately, then join them in either Blender’s sequencer or use another “video editor” program to concatenate the various clips.
You might be able to do that, but I see from the animation it would be tricky since everything continuously flows from one point to the next. Since you’ve got such a flow going, I’m guessing the new section you want to add will not leave the viewpoint in the exact same position as when it started. So…
nla - Yes, that is Non-linear Animation, and probably the biggest change in Blender animation, bigger than armatures even. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of documentation on it, and its definitely more complex in practice, but I think it will make things easier. I hope someone will do a really good tutorial on how to use it effectively some day.
The documentation project page is at:
Pick the NLA Editor off of the window type chooser menu thingie, or CTRL+SHIFT+F12 and you should see all your IPOs. Hit HOME of course to see as much as possible, although you can’t do a vertical resize.
You should be able to right-click select the IPO name(s) (or something like that), or else do a box-select on (what I think are key frame) blocks on the right side of the window. You can of course select as many IPO blocks as you want, then SLIDE them all over at once.
I don’t think you’ll need any action blocks, luckily.
WARNING! There were some NLA bugs in the past. So make sure you’ve got everything backed up before you start working on it. Doing a search on NLA and crash should find it. Something about not leaving the NLA window visible when saving I think.
animations comments: Excellent job!
The moonphase startled me with the zoom!
Wasn’t sure what the big pink disk was for on the earthorbitsun clip, but after seeing the celestial sphere animation, I’m guessing that its to show the ecliptic and why there’s parallax?
The c.s. animation was beautifully done. Thanks for sharing!