inserting keys that dont pop up?

Hi , How can i key a parameter that dont pop up when i press the i key on the bottons window , like for example: ’ start’ from the particles sistem.

You can’t on that particular one; in the Particles tab there’s a Sta(rt) paramater under Emit that sets the frame to start emitting.


ok , but how can i key some parameters that dont pop up
when i key is pressed?

The list alongside an IPO editor window shows, somewhat cryptically, all the possible parameters that can be keyframed. Click on the name, create keyframes (Ctrl-LMB) and edit the resulting curves (tab key, Grab/move individual points) in the IPO editor. Use the popup menu in the IPO window header to see all the possible types of IPO curves for materials, poses, etc.

in some instances, you can set a keyframe by pressing I over the buttons window as well, like a lamp’s energy value for instance.