I saw the cape in the video above just have 1 layer (face), if I render it in Unity it becomes transparant on the inside of the cape. Is there any way to show the inside material or should I use the solidify modifier? If I use the solidify modifier the vertex would be doubled and make things difficult during weight painting.
If I use the method as shown in video above, can I export that cape cloth to Unity including its waving animation?
1, In game engines backface culling is on by default, that’s why the backside of a face won’t be rendered. You could enable two sided shading in the Unity material - don’t ask me how.
2, Simulations/constraints/particle systems/modifiers/material nodes are not interchangible between applications. You should always bake these to export them.Though there’s no point in baking cloth simulation for games, it would always feel out of place because cloth simulation on characters needs to react to the actual movement of the character, that’s why game engines have their own stuff to do cloth simulation, so you should setup cloth simulation in Unity not Blender. Though, if it’s just for a short animation in a controlled environment, and you don’t need realtime feedback, you might be able to import the simulation as vertex animation, again, don’t ask me how, I don’t even know if Unity supports vert animation.