inspired by paradox...

… I decided to try knots3D too, rendered it with yafray, pp in ps, et voila.

small version
large version (large dl)


I will be rendering one with caustics tonight. So hang tight.


Nice, good to see that people are enjoying the knot program. Looking forward to BgDM’s caustic one too. Yafray does a good job on rendering the knots. Blender does good too when I first got the program I emailed the author of the program some pictures of knots that I had done in Blender and he loved them.
Keep up the good work hannibar I always like your work.

hannibar, one more comment. I noticed that your knot was kind of wide (deep) I’ve noticed that in some of mine too. If that’s the way you want it that is OK but I wanted to figure out how to correct it because sometimes it looks more like a stiff wire than a knot so I messed with the program some and under 3D options you can change the z value to make it deeper or less deep. Just thought I would pass this information on.

Cool. Now i wanna see glass knots :stuck_out_tongue:

Argh another wonderful knot :slight_smile:



just posted mine :stuck_out_tongue:


hannibar, one more comment. I noticed that your knot was kind of wide (deep) I’ve noticed that in some of mine too. If that’s the way you want it that is OK but I wanted to figure out how to correct it because sometimes it looks more like a stiff wire than a knot so I messed with the program some and under 3D options you can change the z value to make it deeper or less deep. Just thought I would pass this information on.

Thanks, but I already noticed this z value. I thought it looked to flat with value 1, so I sticked with 2.