Inspired by Song

Hi there! I am new to Blender, and new to this forum. Anyway, I was trying to get a feel for how Blender handles the finer points of rendering, and came up with the image in the link:
It’s based off a John Legend song, “Maxine.” Not the best lyrics, but it has a light, vivid sound. Photoshop was used for the post process stuff, text layout, slight color correction, and faux depth of field. (Can Blender Internal do depth of field?) Critique and comment till your hearts content. Enjoy. :cool:

I’m not seeing an image or link. :expressionless:

when i clicked on the link it said i was not authorized. try just posting on this forum instead of a remote site

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Sorry, that should fix it.

a noob to blender? i dont think so.:no:
Good job;)

no image here?

Not bad. There isn’t really a lot to crit, though… The glass has a nice material and the reflections are good is all I can say.

Hey hey, nice composition. :]

That is a very cool picture! There’s not a heck of a lot wrong with it that I can see, so keep up the good work :slight_smile: