instanced cube align

it would fly apart from centrifugal forces long before reaching anywhere near that speed


wait… your talking about something traveling in a circle, while spinning…

there is no math inside the physics system to deal with time dilation…

if you want to stick cubes together though… I can do that…

The device spins and goes forwards simultaneously to produce a circular motions to cause time dilation.

Note the time difference for both parts of the machine .002746582035441 of a minute and .0002288818359375 of a minute.While still going 131,072 feet per hour.

Whatever that is, isn’t maths.
You’ve not conserved units, are using feet (which is a pain when dealing with circles) and not explained what you’re timing.

By this logic, I could say that time dilation exists in a car because the wheels take 1/50 seconds to rotate by the steering wheel takes 1 second to turn - TIME DILATION!!!

Seriously, there’s no reasoning to what you’re doing, how this is time dilation or why you wrote long lists of numbers. If you were to build this thing you’d find yourself more dizzy than you’d be a time traveler.

I believe that is unbelievable silly agoose.You have to be able to measure how big a circle is.So it has to be measured in feet and inches.People racing cars do it all the time.Because miles are composed of feet.An oval is a type of circle.

I’m sometimes borderline sure you’re a troll, and othertimes it’s the internet, anything’s possible.

A circle can be measured in feet, but meters and radians makes far more sense as a unit of measurement. Maybe you should make a diagram explaining why you believe this will work

Where did you get those figures from?

An experiment I did. I also found time dilation

Look at post 20 again.

I have, let me be more clear:

Here are loads of numbers, what do they mean?


You’ve yet to explain what you’re doing. You’re adding apples and oranges and claiming to have a black hole

Where on post 20 are those?

They aren’t, but you’ve written a similar number of halving numbers without explaining what they are, why they’re halving

Simply look at the top of each row of numbers.

You’re really not trying to be helpful are you!

Okay, so 131,072 and 1. What are these numbers? What do I do with them?

Both disk always goes 131,072 feet in a circular path.
131,072 through.5 is the feet for each circular motion that the disk can go
1 feet through 262,144 feet is the spin speed in feet that the disk can go for each of the circular motions in order.
For the second set of numbers
131,072through.5 is the feet for each circular motion that the disk can go
1 inch through 262,144 inch is the spin speed that the disk can go for each of the circular motions in order.
I will try to explain it one more time.But only in the blender game engine.If you do not believe that i will still believe.

I believe my time dilation idea would work.Nothing would stop it from working.That is all I am going to say on this thread about it.

Not this again.

For the Nth time, I do not think you’ll be able to find a single consumer application in existence that has any tools allowing for one to prove or disprove theoretical physics like you’re describing.

People who do science often use very specialized software that are oftentimes created by research teams or other scientists. If you have any hope of traveling through time, it’s not going to happen by way of pressing ‘P’ in Blender.

it’s not going to happen by way of pressing ‘P’ in Blender.

without a flux capacitor or at the very least a sun and a warp drive*

or potentially a phone booth**

Apart from the fact that you’ve not proven it possible to work, sure!

Here’s the important point. If all we can say about a matter is “I believe this and you can’t stop me”, the modern world wouldn’t exist. Scientific progress comes from discussion, understanding and challenge. Your device is not described even to the most basic degree, and if you refuse to discuss or defend your proposal then that’s all anyone of any scientific background needs to refute it outright.

A man seated on a circle that’s spinning inside of a larger circle while moving across its rim is probably going to get killed by the astronomical G-forces before he experiences any noticeable time traveling. This is providing you can build anything that can even hold itself together at such speeds (which BPR alluded to earlier). You might then try to construct something that has multiple layers of circles, but it would be incredibly prohibitive (and likely impossible) when you find out how much space it would need and how much energy it would require (you could create something that takes up several square miles in size and you won’t even get to a small fraction of the speed of light or even the speed of sound).

Sure, you can try and build such a thing yourself, but actually trying it out would be akin to committing suicide.