Instancer Texture Coordinates?

I’m trying to get the following set up

but I can’t quite figure out the right node setup. In the image, it seems like the instanced spheres take their color from one point on the main sphere, as opposed to the whole thing. I can sorta get the texture to play on my instanced spheres if I feed ‘object’ from the texture coord node into the vector on my texture node, and that into my surface, but the size is all off, and it shows the whole texture on my instances, not just ‘one color’.

The parent has a UV texture and the child also but From Instancer enabled. (And don’t forget to switch Viewport Shading to Rendered).

Mine just seems to apply the whole texture to each instance. What looks wrong here?

This instanced object have the material with instancer the parent: not. But both use the same image texure.